Taking Steps on Team Rachel!

Something I didn't write about in my

letter to my future self

was an important lesson that I learned at MTH and want to implement in 2013. A huge goal of mine is to surround myself with inspiring and loving people. When thinking about Team Rachel a few important people came to mind.


First of all my husband, Isaiah. He is without a doubt my number one cheerleader, best friend, and person I want to smooch. Not only was he basically my inspiration to start planning weddings, but he's supported me the whole way. He doesn't just


he supports me either- he actually comes to the coffee shops with me when I have to work, cuts out burlap flags by my side and is letting me turn our former TV room into my office (meanwhile his "office" is the guest room closet...trust me it's strange, not even a walk-in.) It's so nice to know that he supports my dreams and is helping me take realistic steps to get there. When I come home crying from my day job he's the one to catch me and say with certainty that I won't be here forever. I am so thankful for him in every aspect of my life. Anyone who knows him wishes they had their own Isaiah. I feel pretty lucky. (Side note: someday I'll post our love story and wedding photos... someday. :)

Next up is my family. My parents, siblings, grandparents, in-laws, brother in law, everyone! We don't live close to our family which is a huge bummer most days. Especially with a baby on the way I've been missing my mama. But I can always look forward to encouraging e-mails from my mother in law, sweet texts from my dad and even just seeing instagram photos of my sisters makes me happy. I cherish those heart to hearts I get in person with my family. Especially after our wedding I have a whole new appreciation for what family means. I feel so happy that my family doubled in the past year. :) I can't wait to bring another Moger to the planet in June!

Callie & Brittany. Sorry but these two really just go hand in hand. We met in college, living across the hall from one another and the rest is history. They've been there for me through everything the past 5 years we've been friends. From listening to my cry in my dorm room to taking me for coffee & driving me around all through college to standing up with my at our wedding, I cannot express my love for them enough. Really it deserves a whole series of posts. I know that through thick and thin they will be there no matter how far away Seattle really is. My one big wish is to support them as much as they've been there for me. Girls- I hope you know how invaluable you are.

So I've got a pretty good team going so far. But I'm working on making it better. There are people I'm around during my day to day who are toxic to my happiness and success. I want to be around people who will support me, and who I can love and support in return! In Part 2 I'm going to touch on what I hope that looks like this year. I hope it's appropriate to list a baby boy in Team Rachel. :)