So the big news is... it's a BOY! I'm sure you already knew because I wasn't really keeping it a secret. We would have been ecstatic for either gender, but this feels so right. Isaiah is going to be such a great dad to our little man, I can't wait to see that relationship develop.
It's pretty well known around my "circle" that I've been wanting to know the gender since basically conception. I thought it would help me feel more connected to the baby, so we could pick out a name and start decorating the nursery. I even claimed that it was my Christmas wish. :)
My last appointment was on December 16th, I was 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant. A few days before the appointment I called to schedule an "elective ultrasound". Note: If you're pregnant and curious about this, talk to your doctor. I don't think it's common to elect for an ultrasound. I simply asked, and luckily they had an appointment with the ultrasound tech available.

When we entered the room we were greeted with such a friendly face. I can't remember her name but she was exceptionally nice. Once I got all settled with the goo on my belly, I let her know that we were hoping to know the gender, and if she had a good guess we'd like to know. She said it would be too early to tell and she didn't like to guess wrong and have us "go painting the baby's room". I said that was fine, though I was a little disappointed. After all, it was my Christmas wish!
We got such a stellar look at the little guy. He was moving all around and really looked like a baby. They transferred some images to 3D and printed them out for us. He's a stud, let me tell you. Next they did a trans-vaginal ultrasound for a closer look. Before she even said anything I knew it was a boy. He was positioned so well to show off for his mama! Baby knew it was my Christmas wish. Once the image popped up she immediately started typing "boy baby!!!!!!" on the ultrasound monitor. Literally just like that with all of the exclamation.

Isaiah gave his usual shocked and excited face and was just smiling and smiling. It melted my heart. I was in shock. I would have been either way. Surprisingly, I didn't shed a tear. :) Afterwards, we determined we should so something manly and go out for burgers and beers. Isaiah picked out North Peak Brewery which was a perfect choice. We called my parents and our siblings to share the news and it was so much fun! It truly did make it seem more real to me. A son. Our son. A baby boy. How amazing. I love him so much already.