While working on my branding, I've posed the question "what kind of blog do I want to be?" a number of times, and I never really knew the answer! But I think that's okay. I'm sort of a mixed bag, and maybe it's necessary for me to write about lots of different things to generate enough content. I don't know. It's always been that way for me. I was never all business, I needed a little art. I love organized spaces, but my closet is definitely "organized chaos". Healthy eating is one of my top priorities, but somehow I find myself eating dessert daily (especially during pregnancy). The little part of me that's very "type A" loves a strict budget, my simplified planner, to-do lists, a clean car, sheets washed every Sunday and a meal plan I can rely on. It pushes perfectionism, it pressures me to do
, be
, work
. I'm thankful for the part of my that's type A.

But there's another whole half of me that's wildly and unapologetically type B. This side shines through when I decide to throw my clothes on the floor and leave my dishes out overnight, but it's also the part of me that feeds on inspiration, that helps me let loose and create things. When I can abondon my to-do list and go on a date with my husband and not feel guilty, when I step away from work, take a break from my exercise routine, throw together a floral arrangement or paint canvas for the nursery and actually like what I come up with. It's the part of me that writes on this blog, and that loves to cook without recipes and that lets loose and drinks fishbowl margaritas on Friday nights. I like this part of my personality. I'm thankful for the part of me that's type B.
So in the spirit of keeping things interesting, this blog is also going to have a split personality. Yes, I am a wedding planner. I love writing about weddings and spending hours pinning bouquets on Pinterest. But I'm also passionate about true love, dreaming big, goal setting, and my family. A little bit about me, a little about weddings, a little about baby, and a whole lot of random in there. It took me a long time to commit to blogging because I didn't know what to write about. I was afraid of sticking to a particular "theme". But I realized today that I want my blog to be a reflection of myself, and the same for my brand. And not just myself, but the best, most authentic version of myself. After all, when you hire me as a wedding planner you won't only get budgets and timelines, you'll get flowers, spraypaint and lots and lots of e-mails filled to the brim with excitement and passion. So there's that, a little bit about what this blog is even about. Will you stick around?