It's Monday morning. Sleep was awful, I tossed and turned all night trying to find a comfortable position for my growing belly. I was cold in some spots and hot in others. This morning the alarm came too early. My clothes were still damp in the dryer from the night before. I was freezing. I was running late. I had no time to put peanut butter on my toast. My toast tasted like a dirty dishtowel, but I knew if I didn't eat it I would start to feel nauseous. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into work at 7:45, cold, hungry, & tired with absolutely nothing to look forward to this week. I hate my job. I hate it. No seriously, I hate it. I was being a total brat.
I sat down at my desk and took a deep breath. There is nothing about my day that I can't handle. I slowly checked my voicemail, opened my e-mail, and started checking things off my morning to-do list. There was no going back. My eyes started to open, the coffee was poured and my damp sweater started to feel cozy as it dried. My co-worker showed up with a smile, bringing birthday cake, and I was thankful for her cheerfulness. We talked about our weekends. My days at the flower shop and spending time with my in-laws, her birthday celebration.

Somewhere in there it hit me to just calm down, quit being a spoiled brat and be thankful. I want to celebrate these mundane days that seem to have absolutely no good in them at first look. God is good. I have so much to celebrate and be thankful for.
A loving family that supports us, loves us and wants to be a part of our lives.
Full time jobs that support our financial goals.
A safe place to call home, enough food to eat, enough leftover to give.
A healthy baby on the way, and an ultrasound to look forward to this afternoon!
Caring and supportive friendships.
A future that is better than anything we could have planned for ourselves.
The promise of spring.
Clean laundry.
Hot coffee on dreary Monday mornings.
Self awareness.
The promise that each moment is another chance to start fresh and focus on gratitude.
What are you thankful for today? Sometimes when I stop and write down a list of what I'm grateful for, my heart wants to explode. There is SO MUCH good. Today and everyday I want to choose gratitude. To be optimistic. To greet each day with an open heart.