Whoa! — Sincerely, Ginger Event Design and Production


Wow, you guys. The past 10 days have been nothing short of an absolute whirlwind. You remember that workshop I blogged about? The Making Things Happen event in Chicago? Well, I'm going! I could not be more thrilled to have this opportunity. I'm leaving this Saturday for Chi-town and will be staying with a good friend from college. We're planning on shopping a little, going for a run and having a nice dinner out. I love girl dates! On Monday I'll be at MTH all day and then I have to drive all the way back to Traverse City. Crazy right? I know- I have to keep telling myself it'll be worth it. It's going to be just the kick in the pants I've been looking for!

Another huge thing that happened this week- my husband started his new position at the hospital! I'm so proud of him. He works so hard for our family. Not only is his position at Munson full time, but he's also still a firefighter for the county. This means lots and lots of hours. He is tired. But so strong at the same time. I feel so lucky to be married to a man with such dedication. Isaiah, if you read this- you are the best! :)

At Making Things Happen, there will be a lot of "tough questions". Now I've never been to one of these magical workshops but I've been thinking a lot about the things I want to focus on, my intentions. Even in the past week my intentions have shifted and I'm really looking forward to exploring those next few months and especially in 2013. I'm excited to share more when I return from the workshop! Lots of exciting changes around here at Occasions and the Moger pad. Pretty fun!
